2024 Onsted Coed Softball Rules
• Minimum of 8 players to play, 10 player max on defense
No more than 2 extra male on the field than female players (if there are 4 girls, there may only be 6 males)
7 runs per inning run limit, per team
No new inning to start after 8pm
7 inning game
No metal cleats
Base runners cannot lead off from base until bat makes contact with the ball
Tagging up on pop fly is allowed
Base runners may advance bases on defensive over throws
NO baseball bats
Schedule will determine home team vs away team
Each team is allowed 3 home runs per game. Each additional HR will result in an out. Once both teams have 3 HRs, the PLUS 1 HR rule takes effect. The Home team can not go up a +1 HR in the bottom of the last inning.
A home run is defined by a ball hit beyond the outfield fence. A ball that hits a fielders glove and bounces over the fence is considered a 4 base error.
Pitcher and catcher must be a male and female combo (male pitcher, catcher must be female, vice versa)
No intentional walks thrown to batter (must pitch to hit)
If 2 strike count, 1 foul allowed, 2nd foul will be considered an out
Each at bat is allowed 3 swings total, each swing w/o contact is considered a strike
Pitch must be underhand and slow in velocity
Pitch must be at least 6 ft in height but no more than 12 ft, measured at the highest point of the arch
Base runners must stay within 3 ft of the baseline, exception is made when rounding the base at full speed
NO running past another runner (2nd runner will be out)
Fielders cannot block any base on a play at the base
Sliding into bases is NOT permitted and will result in an out. There will be 1 warning per team/per game.
3 outs per team per inning
1 defensive position switch per position, per inning, pre-pitch
Hitting line up: No more than 2 males in a row may bat in lineup. (If last batter of lineup is male, 1st and 2nd batter cannot be male) If 3 males bat in a row, 3rd male batter is automatically considered out. IF a male is added at the bottom of the lineup due to being late and 3 males are in a row an automatic out will be recorded.
No advancing bases once the ball is in possession of the pitcher in the vicinity of the pitchers mound
Pinch runners will be permitted, limit of 1 per inning, and must be of the same gender. In cases of injury this rule can be modified if both teams agree.
Catchers cannot block home plate on a play at the plate unless they have possession of the ball before the runner gets to the plate.
Free and unlimited subs allowed in the field
All players must bat in the lineup, skipping batter will result in an OUT
Batting out of lineup order will result in an OUT
Batter must stand in batter box while making contact with a pitch
Tie games are possible. OT if time permits and agreeable upon team captains.
Female players need to be evenly divided between the infield and outfield. You may have up to 1 extra female in the infield/outfield (ie. 3 infielders and 2 outfielders).
Minimum of 2 females in the infield
Players that are late may be added to the end/bottom of the lineup.
NEW!!! Home Runs hit to the opposite field may be caught during the other game. This will be recorded as an out. Base runners are not allowed to tag up and run in this situation.
**This is a family friendly league that supports our communities' children and their youth recreation. Please refrain from inappropriate language and behavior**